湖北省教育对外交流服务中心雅思机考考场入场说明 (4月14日更新)

来源:湖北省教育对外交流服务中心  时间:2023-04-14










  • 口试考试:请提前至少30分钟到达,入场截止时间为口试时间前15分钟;

  • 上午场笔试:入场时间为上午08:00,入场截止时间为上午08:30

  • 下午场笔试:入场时间为下午13:00,入场截止时间为下午13:30





  • 考生(包括小于18岁的未成年考生)需在指定时间进入考场,家长/陪考人员一律禁止入场。考生不可以“熟悉考场”为由,在非指定时间进入考试区域。

  • 请在入场截止时间前40分钟抵达汉街总部国际A座,在一楼办理相关登记手续,扫脸通过门禁系统,乘坐高区电梯(电梯区间26-40层)直达40层考场。在周一至周五工作日期间,上午的8:00-9:00和下午的12:00-13:00,电梯较为拥堵,请合理规划时间安排。

  • 如果您对报考政策及报名、退费、转考等相关问题有疑问,请咨询雅思全国服务热线(010)82345671。





Admission Instructions for IELTS Test Takers at Hubei Education International IELTS on Computer Test Centre (updated: 2023.04.14)


Thank you for registering for the IELTS test at Hubei Education International IELTS on Computer Test Centre . To ensure that you have a smooth and orderly test experience please be aware of and comply with the following regulations. Your cooperation is appreciate.


Arrive at the Test Center:

Your Computer-delivered test/Speaking test will take place at:

40th floor block A of Han Street Headquarters International Zhongbei Road Wuchang District Wuhan city Hubei Province.


Identification Document Requirements:

Candidates must bring the original and valid ID document and admission ticket that match the registration information to attend the test.

1. Show your ID document. Please bring your ID card with you for identity verification on test day even though you registered the IELTS test by passport.

2.  Present the IELTS admission ticket for the test on the same day.


Reminder of Arrival Time:

Candidates must pay attention to the following arrival times and allow enough time to enter the testing room to avoid being late.

Speaking test: Please arrive at least 30 minutes before the test and the deadline for admission is 15 minutes before the test.

Computer-delivered Written test-AM Sitting: Entry starts at 08:00 AM. The entry deadline is 08:30 AM.

Computer-delivered Written test- PM1 Sitting: Entry starts at 13:00 PM the entry deadline is 13:30 PM.

The arrival time of the test venue is based on the candidate is arrival on the 40th floor.


Other Requirements:

We recommend that candidates wear masks during the test to reduce the risk of respiratory disease transmission.


Special Reminder:

Test takers (including minors under the age of 18) are required to enter the test venue at the specified time on the admission ticket. Parents/attendants are not allowed to enter the test venue. Test takers are not allowed to enter the test venue at any other time on the grounds that they want to get familiar with the test venue.

Test takers are requested to arrive at the block A of Han Street Headquarters International 40 minutes before the test check-in time to complete the registration on the 1st floor, scan face for the entrance guard system and take the elevator for high floors (26th -40th floor) to the test venue (During 8:00-9:00 a.m. and 12:00-13:00 p.m. the elevator will be over-crowding. Please make a rational timetable).

If you have any questions about the application policy and registration refund transfer and other related issues please contact with the IELTS National Service Hotline (010) 82345671.


We will keep you updated if there is any change on the above arrangements. If you have any question please call (027)59613178.


We wish you success for your IELTS test!


Hubei Education International IELTS on Computer Test Centre 
